Calling all storytellers...
/(Photo by Joshua Hanson on Unsplash)
Out There is about to turn 5!
To celebrate, we are throwing a birthday party in the form of our first ever live storytelling night...and you are invited!
If you’ve ever been to a storytelling event hosted by The Moth, this will be a little like that: an evening of live stories, told by listeners like you.
The details
When? May 7, in the evening (stay tuned for exact timing)
Where? A big hangout … online. We know that all of you are spread across the globe, so instead of holding the festivities in a particular city, we’re doing it online. That way, you can participate from wherever you are in the world.
Theme? Beginners.
Pitch us a story!
What stories do you have about beginners in the outdoors? Maybe a time when you tried something and it took you somewhere unexpected? Or a story of new beginnings?
Interpret this as broadly and creatively as you’d like, and send us your story pitch!
How to pitch: Simply take out your phone, record a two-minute pitch of your story as a voice memo, and email it to us at with the subject line “Beginners pitch.” Please be sure to include your name and where in the world you are located. Please submit your pitch by April 3, 2020.
A few tips for the pitch:
Tell us the actual story, not just what it’s about. In other words: What happened? And how did it change you?
This isn’t the end product, and it doesn’t have to be totally fleshed out, but we do want a sense of the arc of your story and what impact it had on you.
(Photo by Arthur Miranda on Unsplash)
Mark your calendars for May 7
…and get ready to curl up with a glass of wine and hear amazing stories from your fellow Out There fans.
Thank you all for listening to the show. It’s been a wild ride so far, and we are excited to see what the next five years bring for the show.
-Willow and the Out There team