Never Enough

I thought I needed more from my relationship — and from nature

Shi Shi Beach (Photo by Paul Barach)

I still wonder if there was something I could have said — some magic combination of words that, when put together the right way at the right time, could have kept her in this world.
— Paul Barach

Season 2 // Episode 7

When we lose a loved one, many of us seek healing from the outdoors. But what happens when nature doesn’t cooperate — when the weather is bad, and your happy place is miserable? 

Today’s story takes us to “the most beautiful beach in Washington State” and explores what can we learn about grief and acceptance when nature is at its ugliest.

Read the full episode transcript.

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Episode Notes


  • Story by Paul Barach

  • Story editing by Forrest Wood and Willow Belden

  • Sound design by Willow Belden

  • Music includes selections from Blue Dot Sessions and Storyblocks

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[Un]Natural Selection

A special season of Points North from Interlochen Public Radio