Notes in the Trees

Why the Dutch get their kids lost in the woods — on purpose

Artwork by Magdalena Metrycka

It’s part of the Dutch culture ... that you are basically on your own in life, and you have to figure out your own way.
— Pia de Jong

BONUS EPISODE // Guest story from Nocturne

Most parents would never consider leaving their kids in the dark woods at night, and letting them find their way back. But the Dutch do just that. They call it Dropping.

On this episode, Vanessa Lowe explores how Dropping shapes young people’s ability to handle life.

This is a guest episode from Nocturne, a podcast that explores the night and how thoughts, feelings and behaviors transform in the dark.


Episode Notes


Story by Vanessa Lowe, produced for Nocturne in 2021.

Music in Vanessa’s story by Janet Feder, Myles Boisen, Pollen Music Group, and Kid Otter. Nocturne theme music by Kent Sparling.

Episode art by Magdalena Metrycka.

Additional Links

Out There’s forthcoming kids’ podcast, Once Upon a Meadow, is set to launch Feb. 7.

Out There and Nocturne are members of Hub & Spoke, a collective of smart, idea-driven independent podcasts.

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