After Getting Sober
/Redefining yourself after losing the thing you loved most
Photo courtesy Brendan Leonard
“You’re in this moment where you cannot think about anything else. You have this extreme focus. … And I had not felt that mental relaxation, where my brain stopped and only focused on one thing, since I was drinking.”
— Brendan Leonard
Fresh out of college, Brendan Leonard suffered from alcohol addiction.
He got sober, but drinking had been his favorite thing. It was what defined him. After alcohol was taken away from him, he didn't know who he was anymore.
On this episode, he joins me to talk about the difficult process of creating a new life for himself. For Brendan, that new life came about through rock climbing. And it happened completely by accident.
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As we head into 2021, we’re taking a moment to look ahead and envision a more perfect world. A more perfect outdoors. And we want to hear from you.
Click the link below to send us a voice memo describing your outdoor utopia. How do you feel in it? How is it different from now?
If you send us your input by Dec. 16, we might air part (or all) of it on the show!
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