Out There Podcast wins national award
/Out There has won a national award from the Public Media Journalists Association, or PMJA.
PMJA is a nationwide association of public radio journalists. Their annual awards honor the best audio stories of the year, and our episode “A Series of Unlikely Events” took second place in the independent podcast division.
The episode was written and produced by former Out There intern Aja Simpson. We are so proud of her!
This is Out There's fifth national award.
Over the past six years, three of our episodes — “Selfless Acts”, “The Instinct to Kill” and "High on Failure" — have received gold medals, and one episode — “Failure in Success” — took second place.
It's an honor to be recognized by the most respected voices in public radio. And as always, it's a delight to be making the show for all of you, our listeners.
Out There host Willow Belden with the podcast’s PMJA award (Photo by Willow Belden)