A Series of Unlikely Events
/What if a fairytale romance could actually work out?
Walt House and Donna Martino (Photo courtesy Walt House and Donna Martino)
“I hate to sound sappy, but if this was meant to be — if he was my soulmate — then I owed it to myself to take this chance.”
— Donna Martino
In 2001, Donna Martino stuck a photograph on her fridge.
Photo from the Chicago TRibune
It was a picture from the newspaper of a handsome kayaker paddling through the surf.
A few months later, Donna matched with the man on a dating website.
The rest is history.
We tend to assume that improbable beginnings are a recipe for disaster — that sappy romances can’t last — that fairytale endings are only for movies.
But sometimes, the real world serves up a dose of schmaltz.
This story is about what happens when coincidences pile up, and strangers go out on a limb and take a chance on each other.
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