Episode 20: My Daguerrotype Boyfriend
/A young man, a photograph, and the insatiable urge to explore
“There’s a temptation, when we look at history, to think it’s just ... a story from the past – sort of one or two dimensional. But … there’s really no difference between young people from the past and young people today. Young people want to take chances, they want new experiences.”
Lynn Downey first fell for Fred Loring when she discovered a photo of him amongst some archives in a small town in Arizona. Her crush led her on a journey across the American West, and through time.
On this episode, she shares her story. It's a story about exploration -- about what drives us leave the comfort of home and venture into the unknown -- and about the timeless thirst for discovery.
The story was reported and produced by Diane Hope, a journalist based in Flagstaff, AZ.
Frederick Wadsworth Loring. (photo by timothy o'sullivan, photographer for the wheeler expedition)
Music in this piece included: 'Flaked Paint' by Blue Dot Sessions, 'Memories' by Tales of Painting & SPCZ, 'It beckoned across the yard pt1' by Ben McElroy, and 'Harmonica Funeral' by Colin Langenus.